Wednesday, December 8, 2021


I saw her on the road about 100 yards ahead. I stopped and fired though the windshield (terrible photos). As I took pictures, lens resting on steering wheel, a truck approached from the other direction and she retreated into the brush. I eased my hybrid forward in electric mode, pulled mostly off the road near where I thought she left the road. I was luckily downwind. I quietly left the car with camera ready, not expecting to see her again.  After a minute or so, a motion attracted me — two white triangled ears — stalking away from me? I eased into a slightly better position. She dropped her hunt, turned to the sun, then toward me. She seemed quizzical. I tried to keep my breath, cradling 10 pounds of camera and lens in my left hand, struggling to make sure exposures and framing were okay. Trying to be nothing. She was coy, acted housecatish, blinky, and relaxed. She moved to a sunnier, more protected spot and sat. I was tempted to invite her home. I knew that the next movement I made should properly be back into the car to return her moment to something more natural. I’m not quite over it yet. November 30, 2021.

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